
2023-10-30   来源:托福



Which of the following job do you think should be paid the most:

1. doctors

2. teachers

3. police officer?


Although teachers and police officers are also quite important for the whole society, I still believe that doctors deserve the highest salaries.

First, it takes a lot of time and money to be a doctor. To get fully prepared, medical students need to take almost 15 years to acquire the basic knowledge and practical skills both at school and in the hospital, not to mention the high tuition fees. So doctors should be paid the most to cover the cost.

Besides, doctors often have little time to spend with their families, while earning a good salary allows them to use the money to compensate their families and thus they can be more concentrated on their own jobs.



1. although 的th不要忘记咬舌,而且不要乱加r。

2. society 很多人都读成了socierty,喜欢在/?/ 后边加r,这个发音是错误的,要注意,类似的还有:campus, delicious,famous, tedious都会有这个问题,需要引起重视。

3. almost 注意不要读成alr most(很多同学会在l的尾音后边加r)类似的还有:also, always, altogether, cool,注意都不要加r

4. 同理:medical, practical 不要在cal后边多了r

5. police,务必和politics分开:politics重音在第一音节/"p?l?t?ks/,police重音在第二音节/p?"li?s/ 且o的发音不同。同时,和please分开:police的p后边有元音/p?/,please/pli?z/的p后边没有任何元音,只是单纯的轻辅音,请不要受汉语拼音的影响。

6. officer /??fis?(r)/重音在第一音节,要跟official/?"f??(?)l/ (重音在第二音节)区分开,而且official的cial不要乱加r。

7. deserve 这个词的s发的是z的音,音标是/d?"z??(r)v/

8. doctor不要吞c,否则就成了daughter了。

9. own 不要吞n这个鼻音,容易被大家发成owe,也要发音准确。


1. deserve the highest salary

值得被给予最高的工资 (deserve sth.)后边还提到:deserve to be paid the most 一样的意思,不一样的用法(deserve to do sth.)

2. it takes a lot of time and money to do sth.

做某事花费很多时间。(前面的it是形式主语,最后的to do sth.才是真正的主语。这里请注意:to do 不定式或者that引导的主语从句可以做真正主语,但是doing sth.不可以!比如:It takes a lot of time and money doing sth.就不行)

3. not to mention的用法

“更不用说”,这个词组后边只能接名词/名词性质的词组,如果你想要接句子,还是需要这么说才行:not to mention the fact that...加同位语从句即可。

4. have little time to do sth.

没有时间做某事,就相当于:have no time to do sth.这里的little其实就是一个否定词,几乎没有=没有。类似的还有few,不过这个词的特点是要接可数名词,而且是可数名词的复数形式。比如:路上几乎没有车。There are few cars on the road. 不可以不加s。

5. be concentrated on sth.

集中精力做某事。大家还可以说be focused on sth.或者concentrate one"s efforts/ attention / energy / mind on sth. 也可以说make a concentrated effort to do sth.


Although teachers and police officers are also quite important for the whole society, I still believe that doctors deserve the highest salaries.

First, it takes a lot of time and money to be a doctor. To get fully prepared, medical students need to take almost 15 years to acquire the basic knowledge and practical skills both at school and in the hospital, not to mention the high tuition fees. So doctors should be paid the most to cover the cost.

Besides, doctors often have little time to spend with their families, while earning a good salary allows them to use the money to compensate their families and thus they can be more concentrated on their own jobs.





6大托福口语备考方法 让你的口语流畅到底

1. 运用总分总的结构

Your listeners will understand your talk better if you organize what you say in a logical sequence or linear pattern. This means that you tell the listeners what you are going to talk about and then go through the points you want to make. The most common pattern of organization is outlined below:

Introductory statement

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Concluding statement

An example of this pattern is shown below:

Breeding butterflies has many advantages for the collector.

1. way of obtaining specimens

2. spares can be released into the wild

3. helps survival because butterflies have been protected from natural predators

The experience is a learning experience for the collector and a benefit to the species.

2. 运用连接词

Connecting ideas by using transition words and phrases tells your listeners the relationship of one idea to the next. You can signal to your listener that you are going to put events in a sequence, add information, or make a comparison. You can signal that you want to emphasize or clarify a point. Using transition words and phrases helps your listener follow the flow of your ideas. Read the following example without transitional expressions:

In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarify scientific principles. I understood those principles better by doing those experiments.

These sentences would flow better if the speaker used transitional expressions as in the following example:

In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarify scientific principles. As a result, I understood those principles better.

3. 解释或定义陌生概念

In order to help your listeners understand, you may need to define a term that you use in your response. Read the following example:

My hobby is telemark skiing.

If the speaker does not define the term and listeners do not know what telemark skiing is, they might not understand the rest of the passage. Sometimes listeners can guess the meaning through the context of the passage, but sometimes they cannot. Here is the definition this speaker gave of telemark skiing:

That means skiing using telemark skis.

Even though the speaker defined telemark skiing, listeners still may not understand what it means because the speaker defined the term with the same word. To effectively define a word, use a three-part definition:

1. State the word or phrase to be defined.

2. Give the category that the word or phrase fits into.

3. Tell how the word is different from other words that fit the same category.

Read this example of an effective definition:

Telemark is a type of alpine skiing in which the boots are connected to the skis only at the toes, so traditional skiing techniques have to be modified.

4. 正确使用平行结构

Your listener can understand the flow of your ideas better if you use parallel structures when you speak. Read the following incorrect example:

My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.

The listener may be confused because the speaker has mixed different grammatical structures. Does the speaker mean My teacher gave interesting and motivating assignments to the students"? In this sentence, interesting and motivating are parallel adjectives. Or does the speaker mean My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivated the students? In this sentence, gave and motivated are parallel verbs.

5. 对关键词进行替换或同义转换

When a speaker keeps repeating a word or phrase, listeners can get confused. Read the following example:

My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignment was on the chalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had all done the assignment.

This speaker"s ideas would be clearer if the repeated words were replaced with other expressions or with pronouns. Look at the way this example can be improved:

My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased the board after we had all completed the task.

The word assignment has been replaced with task; the word teacher with she; and the word chalkboard with board.

6. 时态、人称和数量的统一

Your listener can get confused if you are not consistent. Look at the following example:

My teacher brought five paper bags to school one day. He put us into groups and gave each group a bag. You have to take the objects out of the bags in turn and then a person has to tell a story involving the object from the bag.

The listener may get confused by the change from the past tense to the present tense, and the change from us to you and then to a person. The listener might also be confused by the change from the plural form objects and bags to the singular forms object and bag.

The listener could follow this speaker"s ideas better if the speaker were consistent. Look at the way this example can be improved:

One day my teacher put us into five different groups. He gave each group a bag and told us to take turns pulling out an object and telling the other members of the group a story involving that object.




TOEFL IBT Speaking Scoring Rubric

Independent Tasks (Questions 1 and 2)


General Description:

The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following.(具体三点拆分在下面的三项技巧中)



而独立任务题,难就难在 “可控因素”上面。在不知道考官到底想听什么,一气儿乱答的情况下,就造就了屡考屡败的窘迫局面。






一. 发音


Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility。







二. 语言运用

Language Use:

The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary.

It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate).

Some minor (or systemic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning。






“My favorite movie is Amelia for two reasons. First, I have always wanted to go to France and Amelie was filmed in France. I am studying French and I love the sound of the language. I also think Paris is romantic and I want to go to the Louvre. Secondly, Amelie had very good directing. The way the director moved the camera made the movie exciting. So, for these reasons, Amelie is my favorite movie。”(75 words)


三. 话题展开

Topic Development:

Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas)。

话题展开,评测的是考生的语言形式要求。很多人认为这是逻辑要求,其实不然和写作类似(甚至弱于写作),此处话题的展开,更多的是语言形式的逻辑,也就是所谓Progression of ideas。




1. 回答必须完成任务,是独立任务的关键,这也是限时说话的意义所在;

2. 回答必须具有清晰(clear)而确定(defined)的语言结构;

3. 回答必须有具体的细节;

4. 回答必须清晰而连贯,保持清晰连贯下的发音或语法错误可以容忍;

5. 回答展现英语语法和词汇的牢固(solid)把握,即使出现错误,亦不可影响实际意义的表达。




208月21日托福独立口语Task 2:

do you agree or disagree that to be a successful businessman, you have to have characteristics like being outgoing or friendly, etc.?

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with following statement? If you want to succeed in business being outgoing and friendly is very important.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: For the success of business, it is important to be friendly and outgoing.



2016年8月21日托福独立口语答案Task 2

I do agree with the statement. Coz first, in workplace, those personality traits help to build up a good relation with others, like your clients, business partners, and employees, which means efficiency and sometime potential business opportunities; but if a person is too introverted, arrogant or bossy, others may feel discouraged to exchange ideas with him, that will lead to misunderstandings and even a strained relationship; second, those features also help to maintain a happy and harmonious family atmosphere, successful businessmen are usually very busy, so they should be more patient, caring and outgoing when dealing with family members who they love the most; a happy family life is just the precondition for a successful business career.


Personally, I totally agree with this statement and business people should be sociable and laid-back. For whatever business people like, marketing manager, sales manager, and even Chief Executive Officer, they need to be friendly. since it can broaden their social connection. Sociable business people attend many social activities, like marketing events, expositions, charitable activities. Thus, they can get to know more business partners and potential clients. Additionally, social people tend to break the ice and build rapport easily, and therefore, it is more likely for them to close business deal.(济南新东方 孟炎)


Sample answer:

I would support the statement by the following points.

Firstly, business is partially about interacting with people, in which interpersonal skill plays a real critical role. For a negotiation between two firms, the process of getting to know each other’s needs is on the top of the list. In order to get to that point, the languages and behaviors the head of the firm use matter a lot to show its kindness and respect to the counterpart. Being friendly and out going is one of the keys during the whole process.

Secondly, for the harmonious phenomenon in the firm. You personality, to some extent, substantially affects the connections among these departments, like the manufacturing department and marketing. If the leader uses his charm in getting two of the departments cooperate in a project. Chances are high for the firm to succeed.


2016年8月21日托福独立口语Task 1:

Which period do you think is most challenging: childhood, teenager or adulthood?

Task 1

Which of the following period do you think is the most difficult one: childhood, teen period and adulthood.


Which of the following period of life do you think is the hardest?

Childhood, teenager, adulthood.



I would say the toughest period during one"s life is adulthood. Not like the childhood, we are pursuing our degrees in universities or already doing a job to make a living. In school, we are constantly under lots of pressure, we have to finish the assignments like problem sets, presentations, research papers. After graduation, we have to fulfill all kinds of responsibilities as a professional. On the other hand, being a child or an adolescent is much easier, they just have fun and do not have to worry about anything.



Sample answer:

Life gets harder as you grow. It is when I started to make a living by myself that my awareness of the pressing status arouses. All concerning of life is coming like a torrent overwhelming my head. I was totally at a loss about handling these issues.

Little did I know, that money comes from hard work, which is unknown to me when I actually got every cent from my parents during school time. Now, I have to learn the ways of standing up to life.


2016年8月21日托福独立口语答案Task 1

I think adulthood is the most difficult period in one’s life. First,children and teenagers’ major tasks are to have fun and learn well in school. Those are basically all they need to fulfill. But for adults, they have to shoulder more responsibilities. For example, they need to make money to support their family, spend time to educate kids while take care of their aging parents at the same time. They also have to compete fiercely in workplace for promotion or a pay rise. Thus, they have little time for themselves. Especially in the cosmopolitan cities like Beijing, where the living standards areexorbitant, and

the living pressure for adults is overwhelming.



Which class would you join for fun? Art class or science class.

Please give your reasons with details.


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me because I"m just the one who has no passion for anything about art. Most of the time, when others are appreciating a great work of art, I will just count when the class will end. Sometimes, I may even have to drink a lot of coffee before the class to prevent myself from falling asleep during the class. By contrast, in the science class, it is so interesting that I hardly feel bored. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid, all of these can spark my interest and I am overwhelmed by tons of the secrets of the cosmos.


1. fun 不要发成“放”

2. art 不要发成aunt, 要发出r的音。

3. science 不要发成”散s“,应该是/"sa??ns/。

类似的:surroundings /s?"ra?nd??/ 也不要忘记发n

4. passion /"p??(?)n/不要发成pension/"pen?(?)n/ 主要就是注意元音的发音,是/?/不是/e/

5. passionate 同理/"p??(?)n?t/,一定要注意两个a的发音。

6. mysterious 不要忘记浊化s之后的t。

类似的:station, stand, stunned; street, stranger, stress

7. curiosity 这个词有好几个音节,不要吞音。

8. overwhelmed over的v请不要忘记轻咬下唇。


1. 【have passion for sth.】对某事怀有激情

2. 【Most of the time,】大多数时候(大多数人 = most people, a majority of people,如果说most of the people意思是“我们中的大多数”,而且,后边要加定语来修饰限制people)

3. 【appreciate a work of art】 欣赏一件艺术作品

4. 【prevent sb. from doing sth.】阻止某人做某事

5. 【fall asleep】睡着

6. 【during the class】 在课上,还可以说in a/the class

7. 【hardly feel bored】从不感到无聊 (hardly 相当于一个否定词)

8. 【mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid】神秘的黑洞,神奇的万有引力和尚未被发现的小行星

9. 【arouse/ spark my interest; arouse/ spark/ awaken/ pique my curiosity】 激发我的兴趣/好奇心

10.【be overwhelmed by sth.】使某人感到非常惊讶


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me instead of [than] art class because I am the one who likes doesn’t like/ has no passion for things of art. Inthis way, Most of the time, when the others are appreciating a great aunt art work, I will just count how long will the class end the class will last/ when the class will end. Sometimes, I even may/ may even have to take some measures to prevent myself from falling sleep asleep when/ while my classmates are immersed in a passionate work of music art.

However, in the science class, it is so interesting that I can hardly be distracted by the surroundings. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscoverted undiscovered asteroid, all of these got my attention arouse/ spark my interest/ arouse/ spark/ awaken/ pique my curiosity. And I was overwhelmed by tons of secrets of the cosmos.


既然是口语考试,当然要考核考生的发音。然而,在托福考试中,考生讲话的时候,带一点口音是没有问题的——事实上,几乎所有的外语使用者都或多或少带有一些自己特定的口音——在《新托福考试官方指南》附带的CD光盘中,可以找到若干个口语考试的录音Sample,大抵听上一遍之后就会发现那些得了满分的考生,都各自有各自的特殊口音,他们的发音都不够标准、不够地道,然而这个事实并未影响他们获得满分;这是因为托福考试并不要求考生发音“标准、地道”,即便是4分(满分)评分标准中也只要求“ highly intelligible”。

音节读得不准和读错是两回事儿。比如把“China”读成“揣拿”、把“twitter”读成“推特”或“推特尔”这是读得不够准,带有 “Chinglish”的口音,但是把“ China”读成“吹呢”或者把“twitter”读成“维特尔”就是彻 底读错了。在托福考试中,读得不准是可以接受的,只要不至于夸张到每个音节都读得不准。但是读错就致命了,因为把单词读错,会造成考官很可能误解考生话语的含义,而如果读错的单词数量积累到一定程度,考官就可能彻底无法考生话语的含义。

重音把握错误是更为严重、也更为常见的现象。“specific” 这个词,很多中国学生都读成/?spes?f?k/,首先是第一个音节的/?/错读为/e/,而更为严重的是把原本在第二个音节的重音给挪到第一个音节上 去了。很多单词都有若干个不同词性的衍生词,由于音节数量发生了变化,于是重音所在也往往会发生变化(有时还伴随着某些音节中的元音发生变化),请看economy、economics、economist、economical这 几个单词,它们的重音分别都在哪里呢?

读者可以想象一下如果一位外国人说中文的时候提到“窦娥冤”……她要是把这个词读成“dòu é yuán”,我们基本上还是听得懂的,甚至谈不上需要什么猜测(这相当于我们中国人讲英语有“口音”);她要是把这个词读成“ kòu é yuān”,我们也不一定是完全听不懂,因为根据后面 的“é yuān”,***不离十我们还是可以猜得出来她想说的是什么,并且甚至可能宽宏大量地想“唉,这个字我小时候也读错过……”但 是如若她说的竟然是“ kòu è yuán” ——任凭我们如何“智能”也很难一下子弄明白她说的究竟是什么……

所以,平日里就要养成良好的习惯,每学一个单词,就最好查查词典,把每个单词的读音都搞清楚,包括那些曲折变化和衍生词的读音、以及多音节单词的重音究竟 在哪里(英文单词的重音所在就与中文汉字读音中的声调一样重要)。大多人觉得这个很麻烦,所以不做。结果没过多久,就发展到只有视觉记忆而全无听觉记忆的 词汇量积累到根本无法重建的地步,而其后一生都要因此吃亏。


另外一个使语流难以理解的因素,也是更重要、更普遍的因素,是不 合理的意群划分。在自然语流之中,人们使用长短不一的停顿来划分意群。在讲外语的时候,意群划分不合理,在不恰当之处出现停顿,甚至是很长的停顿(往往是因为突然想不起来该说的词是什么或者怎 么说了),往往会造成不可修复的(至少是难以修复)的缺陷——对方不仅要耗费很大的力气,还要有足够的耐心(以及大多数人都不怎么样的“短期记忆力”)才 能够完全理解那断断续续的语流。

很多人在自我训练过程中不太在意意群划分和停顿位置的原因可能在于,在母语习得过程中,意群的划分、语流中的停顿,这些都是不知不觉学会的——靠大量的语 言运用(当然还有模仿)“自然而然”习得的;因此人们从未觉得有什么必要在学外语的时候要在这方面进行刻意训练。但正因为我们没机会靠环境“潜移默化”地 搞定这事儿,所以只好通过“刻意的自我训练”来弥补。所以,在练习跟读(乃至于后来的朗读)的时候,一定要多花一些额外的时间精力关注录音中的意群划分与 语流中的停顿。

在托福口语评分标准中,如果考生录音的语流中出现了“noticeable lapse”[1] 的话,其他方面无论多好,都可能会因此难以获得满分(4分)、最多能得到的成绩是3分。而语流中出现所谓的“noticeable lapse” 的根源就在于考生平时不注重语流中的停顿,在不该停顿的时候乱停顿,而在该停顿的时候又不停顿——误以为说的快就是流利。

说得快与说得流利不是一回事儿。事实上,我们总是劝解学生有意识地放慢语速。而这样一个看起来没什么大不了的建议,能够带来的效果却是惊人的:因为说得慢一点,所以就不会“来不及思考”,于是就有了更多的精力去“良好地组织内容”(满分评分标准中的“ good control of basic and complex structures as appropriate”、“well developed and coherent”,以及“relationships between ideas are clear”);另外一方面,由于说得慢一点(实际上只是“感觉慢”而非真正慢),所以,很容易做到吐字清晰,即满分评分标准中的“ clear speech”,“highly intelligible”)。

托福词汇 各种“油”怎么说?


2.柴油diesel fuel(oil)





7.橄榄油olive oil

8.菜籽油canola oil


10.地沟油recycled cooking oil






3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it"s beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

18-year-old adults are not mature enough to vote.


Well, I think there are several ways to keep myself healthy.

In my opinion, 18-year-old people already have the ability to vote. Firstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions.) And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions. For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about the information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell us not to just repeat what others say but think by ourselves. So we are mature enough to vote.



adult 这个音是/??d?lt/ 或者 /?"d?lt/ (注意,a这个原音发音不同的时候,重音是不一样的)

mature 这个音是/m?"t???r/ 前面不是/ma/是/m?/。


1. 18 years old≠18岁的人

I think +people who are already 18 years old are mature enough to vot


A. 18-year-old people 【作定语,通常都是这样,加了连字符,就成了形容词。比如:在校的活动 on-campus activities】

B. people who are 18 【作表语】

C. people who are 18 years old 【作表语】

2. 我们能够对“我们的”行为负责 + behavior是不可数名词

we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions


I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country 这里的concerned,不要发成concered,中间那个n不要吞掉。这是考生经常会犯的错误。建议再练习一下environment和government,也要注意不要吞n。

4. 没有细节

1. 语言考试并不是完全不看内容。大家要知道,语音确实加分,不过,内容也不容忽视。

2. 增加细节和例子并不难,看下面示范

A. details 是把你说的事情具体化,如: we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions.我们能对自己的行为负责,具体化后: At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions.我们自己独立做决策,因此我们的选票能够代表自己的意见。

B. exemplification 是把你说的事情搞成一个具体的事件,如: young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country. 年轻人关心国家的未来。具体到一个例子:For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about the information related to national policies. 我和我的朋友,我们就成天看新闻。


Well, I don"t think I can agree with statement because I think +people who are already 18 years old are mature enough to vote

Firstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions)

And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions.

For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about hte information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell me, ”Please don"t just repeat what others say but think by yourself, think critically.“ So I am pretty sure that we are mature enough to vote. So I am pretty sure that we have the capability to decide what is good for the nation and the people and thus we definitely are old enough to vote.

So I think they have both the right and capability to decide what is good for the nations and what is good for the people. So that"s why I think they are old enough and mature enough to vote.











1.间接转述(Indirect Speech)




例1:My mother said: “I’m so tired that I don’t want to cook. Shall we eat out tonight?”

My mother said that she was so tired that she didn’t want to cook and she suggested that we should eat out that day.

例2:Tom said: “I’ve already seen the film.”

Tom said that he had already seen the film.


⑴ 在转述的引语前一般要用连词that:(如例1、例2所示);

⑵ 托福口语练习中要根据意思改变人称;

⑶ 当要转述的言语为连贯的话语时,应用go on(继续),continue(接着),add(补充)等,以及各种引述动词,如:note(指明),remark(谈及)

⑷ 间接转述不是重复原话,因此,时态要有所变动。一般来讲,现在时变为过去时,过去时变为过去完成时。指示代词、地点及时间状语也要作必要改动。


Paraphrase (to express in a shorter or clearer way what someone has written or said) 就是用你所知道的,或者对你来说较容易的词汇、短语、以及语法去解释那些较为难懂的语句。


Summarize (to make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, event, report, etc.) 就是用简练话语概括描述一篇材料的中心思想。





比如,中国人在餐厅或咖啡厅,会说:”我想要一个汉堡“。但是如果直接把这些话翻译成英文”I want to have a hamburger”或” I want to have a coffee”. 老外会觉得这样说话很没有礼貌,当然他们也不会直接告诉你。而在西方国家,老外们一般会说:“Could I have a hamburger, please?”或“Can I have a coffee, please?”

另外,在别人表达感谢的时候,我们也可以不用说You are welcome,这个实际上稍显得正式,貌似有点把自己当回事而觉得帮了人家大忙的味道。回答Cheers 或No worries就好了显得简单地道多了,托福口语练习中也要注意。

再比如,中国人在拒绝别人邀请的午宴和晚宴时会说:“抱歉,我不能去,我还有别的安排。”翻译成英文就是“Sorry, I can’t. I have another appointment.”如果这样说那别人第二次也许不会再邀请你了。老外们一般这样说:“That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.”


1,比较多地使用情态动词:can, could, may, might, would等等。

2,比较多的使用虚拟语气。如would(had)rather, would(had)sooner, would(just)as soon等等。

3,句尾加上 Please就显得有礼貌多了。







下列论据大家要学会积累,这样才能或具体话题点对点使用或 放之四海皆真的广泛应用於各种话题中.













Task 1: What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children? Please include details in your response.

Sample Answer:

From my own perspective, I consider the sense of self-respect as the most important thing for parents to deliver to their children. There are several reasons.

Firstly, we people need to learn to love ourselves and respect ourselves before showing respect and sympathy to other. It is a natural sequence for us to follow. Only in this way, can we enjoy our lives thoroughly with wisdom and richness.

The second point that praises self-respect is that the world around us is quiet chaotic to tell good from bad and we have to find answers in every stage of life so as to keep going on. It is then we start to realize that respect for ourselves is what makes us us.


Task 1.

Describe the most popular website in our country and explain why.

I would say sina. com is the most popular website in my country. It is actually a major portal website. To begin with, by logging on the website I can get access to what is happening around the world, plus, there is also a local news section, through which I can learn the things happening in my neighborhood. Apart from that, the website covers a wide range of topics, like sports, technology, and even politics. I can use the materials as a kind of reference when I write research papers. So, based on the reasons above, I find sina.com the most popular website in our country.




Task 2.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is better to use games in class. Please use specific reasons and details to support you opinion.

Personally, I totally agree with this and playing games in class has a lot of benefits. To begin with, it is more interactive, students tend to cooperate with each other and think hard to figure out the best way to deal with their opponents, in this process they can really come up with creative solutions. Eventually, not only can students learn to work together with others, they also get a chance to develop their creativity, it is more fun to learn when playing games. Apart from that, playing games is good way to bring together students who have different personalities, it helps them to bond more with each other.



Leaving some time for group discussion in class is beneficial for study .Do you agree or not?

Sample response:

As far as I am concerned, Leaving some time for group discussion in class has much benefit. First of all, it enables us to exchange ideas directly after teacher’s instruction, which helps improve our learning efficiency and producing new ideas during the course of class. If we get confused, we can have someone to ask or discuss with at once. Moreover, when we discuss and argue with our partners, group discussion also provides us a way to reduce negative emotions and improve interpersonal communication skills. Talking with others, exchanging ideas, discussing and even debating has been proved as efficient ways to reduce negative feelings.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Teachers should make their lectures fun.


Well, I agree that teachers should make their lectures fun because as for students, an interesting class will easily attract their attention so that they can focus on the lectures better. I remember when I was in high school, my math teacher was really humorous. Even though I didn’t like math that much, I could always concentrate on what he was talking about and follow his pace, so my math performance became better and better.

Second, I think teachers will benefit from it too because they can gain some reputation. Just as Professor Lee in my university did, he was so humorous and so famous among students. Every time his lecture was on, students would come all the way to listen to it.






1. 可数名词单数不可以单独使用

because as for student students, 这个是高频错误。因为student是可数名词,所以我们要么说a student(特指某位学生的话,就用the student)要么说students(泛指所有学生)但不能直接一个student放在那里。

2. 发音错误

an interesting(重音放错) class will easily attract(吞了c/k/,发成了attrats) their attention so that they can focus(发成了fersus,把c/k/发成了s的音) on the lectures better.

吞/k/这个问题是很多同学都经常犯的错误,建议大家再练习一下这几个单词:effect, correct, direct (k,t在一起都要注意发清楚,不可省略)


I could always(这里的a发得口型太小,好像/??/,其实应该是/?/) concentrate on what he was talking about and could always (平行结构,不需要再重复一遍)follow his pace, so my math performance was became better and better (因为要体现这个变化的过程,所以不能用was,这表示了一种状态,建议用become表示变化的过程).

4. every time

大家注意:并没有连在一起的everytime这样的写法,必须分开写。every time相当于副词性质,用作时间状语(每一次)修饰句子中的谓语动词。这里要跟everyday区分开,连在一起的everyday是一个形容词(每天的),修饰句子中的名词;如果分开写every day也是有的,那就是一个副词性质的词组,修饰句子中的谓语动词:

E.g. Reading English in the morning by using this app is an everyday occurrence. 使用这个App进行英语晨读是我每天都要做的事。(everyday修饰occurrence)

I read English in the morning by using this app every day. 我每天使用这个App进行英语晨读。(every day修饰read)


Well, I agree that teachers should make their lectures fun because as for student students,an interesting class will easily attract their attention so that they can focus on the lectures better. I remember when I was in high school, my math teacher was really humorous. Even though Ididn’t like math that much, I could always concentrate on what he was talking about and could always follow his pace, so my math performance was became better and better.

Second, I think teachers will benefit from it too because they can gain some reputation. Just as Professor Lee in my university did, he was so humorous and so famous among students. Every time his lecture was on, students would came come all the way to listen to it.


One of the most important things a student should achieve while taking the TOEFL IBT speaking part exam is how to be able to speak logically. As a general rule in speaking, we are able to judge a person by the way he speaks. The common mistake student make is that they tend to speak without even thinking first. They answer in haste to a question thrown to them without even processing both the question and the answer. Many would agree that “silent water runs deep.” This means that people who talk less tend to speak with logic and authority than people who talk too much. Excellent answers for the test need not be lengthy, they can be short but they should be done with tact and really make a lot of sense. Most of the time, the answer becomes too long because of too much redundant words or phrases. Too much redundancy while taking the test will lessen your mark in the test. If vocabularies are too many, there is a greater risk of speaking foolishly. So, to be able to learn the strategies on how to speak logically, students should learn the following steps:



One crucial point to be able to speak logically in the test is by making sure that one truly understands the question or the problem that needs to be answered or solved. If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question, then the answer becomes totally illogical. Even if all the grammars, dictions and even the choice of words are carefully said, the whole thing becomes nonsense. As they say, human beings were created with two ears, two eyes and one mouth because God wants us to listen more, see and observe more and speak less. In the medical field, doctor should be able to find the sickness first before being able to prescribe the right medicine. To be able to give the best solution and answers, students must be able to know and understand what the problem or question is.



I often hear students say “oops! I put my foot into my mouth again.” Students often speak words that they would regret later on once they are able to take the time to really think of the whole thing. Students often end up making the wrong decision or saying things that they would regret later on when they allow their emotion especially if it is negative to control them. To be able to speak logically requires a lot of brain power that is why it is logic. In the book of proverbs it says “as a man thinketh, so is he.” This simply means, students are what they think. During their idle times before the test, what students can do is think of questions, scenarios and situations of TOEL speaking test, then also think of the most logical answer that they can give. It is during this time that student’s brain is functioning more and not their emotion and adrenalin. They can process and practice everything properly without pressure. When the time comes that they come face to face with these questions, then they are prepared to answer confidently and logically because they were able to organize their thinking and plan ahead of time about the answer.


Step 3: REHEARSE 第三步:演练

After organizing ones thought, students should practice on how to deliver their organized thing king and ideas out loud to themselves and, if appropriate, to a few others. Do it out loud because the words always come out right in your head, but if you have to speak them you"ll catch some problems before hand. Most of the time students know what they want to say but when they say it out will be quite different from what they had thought. Do it again repeatedly. Keep doing it until you are comfortable and improved. Rehearsing is also a good way to build a student’s confidence in speaking. Practice makes perfect, it can really give student an ideal score in the exam.



Examiners are smart and they see right through us. They can sense if students are being true to what we are saying or if we are just being hypocritical or just memorized some answers. One thing I observe is that the examinees that make a lot of impact to the examiners are those who speak sincerely and with passion from their hearts. They have the power to let the examiner know what they want to express and compel them without trying very hard. The whole thing should become very natural and effortless to have an excellent score. Mean what you say and say what you mean during the test.


Expressing themselves properly requires a lot of tact. Students should have to say what they have to say in the exam to be able to speak logically. Sometimes the way students express themselves make examiner decide whether they will give a high score or just the opposite. As students express themselves, they should always be mindful of their choice of words and even tone of their voice.


Step 5: BE CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY 第五步:清楚地说出你想要表达的

To be able to be understood by the examiners, the student should speak with a firm, strong and confident voice. Examiners tend to pay more attention if the student speaks with confidence. On the other hand, examiners get bored and sleepy when the student speaks with a voice as soft as a whisper or as slow as a donkey walk. Each syllable should be pronounced very clearly and accurately. Of course, it would be best if the student can deliver their answer with the proper diction and accent. There are times that examiners get distracted with the accent of the student. Because of this, the examiners tend to get the wrong information as the student meant it this way, but his accent give the words different meaning already. Some examiners would then find the whole thing funny and weird. A student must have confidence to be able to speak clearly.


As much as possible, we should speak the words in layman’s term. Sometimes in an effort to impress the examiner, the student speaks high-sounding words that the examiners are not able to relate to. This tends to make the examiner feel that they are not smart enough to be able to understand what the “smart” speaker is talking about. I have observed that books and novels that are best sellers are those that people from all walks of life can relate to.


Step 6: RELATE YOUR OPINIONS 第六步:叙述你的观点

If students want to speak with logic, they have to speak of facts. But they are also free to give their opinions about the whole thing. They can give illustrations to prove their point, or they can just simply state their reasons for having the said opinion. They can even look at history and get their basis there. They can also consider the opinions of the majority of their classmates. They can gather some statistics, data or consensus to back up and support their opinions. In some cases, there are really no right or wrong answers, they are just a matter of differences of opinion. Thus, it can give student extra scores in TOEFL IBT speaking test.


Step 7: LEARN TO RELAX ... YOU ARE READY FOR THE TEST 第七步:学会放松,你已经准备好了

You have prepared for this exam so there is no need to be worried. You know the material and you know what the examiners would like to hear. Now just go out and deliver a polished, rehearsed answer confidently. You have to believe that you can do it to be able to have an excellent mark.


To be able to speak logically in the test, students answers must be realistic, reasonable, time bound, manageable and attainable. It has to be based on facts and not merely on here says memorized, rumors, gossips, wild guesses, feelings, etc. They have to really understand what the question is all about. After having understood the question, they have to utilize their brain by organizing their thinking in order to produce a logical answer. Careless thinking gives careless answers. Do not give answers in haste especially when it is the emotion that is controlling us. For example when a student is nervous he/she cannot think in the right way. When nervousness overwhelms, logic is gone. Be true to what you are saying for there is conviction in it. Trying to impress examiner with your answer may lead us to give illogical answers because they are not sure on what they are saying. Eloquence in test is very important to be able to speak clearly and be understood by the examiner because your brains allow you to give reasoning. And also this allows you to think carefully about what you want to say.


托福口语 老友记的15大台词

1.That"s not the point.


2.(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走。


3.My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。

4.I have no idea what you have said. 不知道你在说什么

(I don"t have the slightest idea......)“

“我不知道”不要总说I don"t know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I don"t have a clue......

5.Just follow my lead. 听我指挥好了。

6.Let me put it this way, we"re having sex whether you"re here or not.


7.The more I worried about it, the more I couldn"t sleep.

the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三,不论对口语还是写作都有帮助。

8.We"re more than happy to give you recommendations.

more than happy 等于非常高兴

9.Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide?


10.Not that it"s your business, but we did go out.


11.We have to cut our trip short! 我们不得不中断旅行。

cut sth short 打断话语;中断某事。

12.This party stinks/ sucks!

sth sucks意思是什么事情很糟糕。

13.I"m with you. 我同意你的观点。

14.I was/will be there for you.我支持你!


15.I"m all yours! 我全听你的.



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