
2023-02-21   来源:托福



2009年10月10日 托福写作机经

综合:deep-sea mining

一:volcanic mining出来的medal不一定available,目前的技术不够好,collect andtransportation技术都不好。

二:即使ming 产生的metal只污染2公里以内的海域,但是污物也会drift,动物还是会受影响


独立:Is it easier to be a success in the past than it is today?

2009年09月19日 北美托福写作机经(只看听力和写作)


说古代的一种恐龙时不时skim feeder,跟black skimmer(一种鸟) 比较1他们都用strong beak. 但因为经常插如水中,beak容易坏;但鸟能regrow it""sbeak,恐龙不行

2那恐龙的肌肉不能让他保持straight when toward to water 非常危险



Government support art museums and music performance or recreationalfacilities2009年10月17日 北美托福写作机经









Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions shouldalways show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are beingpunished.

2009年09月11日 北美托福写作机经








第二,当时优秀的farmer可以利用pull and pump把水送到高出



It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree ordisagree?

2009年10月31日 北美托福写作机经


hydroelectric power plants的好处,阅读部分里说他有三个好处

1Low Cost

2 污染少low pollution

3 对动物危害小the water paths protect wildlife


1、不省cost。建造DAM前期的费用很大,所以不是LOW COST.

2、二氧化碳照样有。DAM 会使PLANTS DECAY, 这DECAY 会产生很多CO23、也不是保护所有鱼类的,对动物危害很大,有些鱼游不上去就死了。Lecture: disagree

1. Account of the research cost for selecting location and building cost, the cost ofhydroelectricplants is not low

2. Hydroelectr ric plants produce the same amount of greenhouse gases as fossil fuelplant do

3.Water paths cannot protect all fishes; an example in England, a kind of fish cannotuse thewater path as salmon do


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is often not a good thing tomove to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?

2009年11月07日 北美托福写作机经


Easter Island 大石像如何从interior 搬到coast的;

1 pulling,






3rolling也不对 因为go down the hill不可能不不搞碎石像。

独立写作For successful development of a country, should a government focus itsbudget more on very young children education rather than on universities?

2010年01月22日 北美托福写作机经(只看阅读和口语,写作)


1protect from predator

2 血管在表层可以cool body

3 display feature to attract sex.


1 plate is very thin to be bitten through.

2. Blood vessels are inside the surface

3both female and mail have plates。但是如果是attract to sex,应该只有one sex 有这种特性。


一种恐龙 身体背部的plates 的作用 阅读中的3个作用理论被完全否定作用1: protection

作用2: temperature control

作用3: Display 吸引异性

独立写作:People who go outside are more successful and happier than people wholives in villages.

2010年03月12日 北美托福写作机经


讲congestion pricing。 说为了缓解交通拥堵,解决办法就是在city中的某个区域收费,这样就能缓解一下。

第一个point. 这样做可以improve time(主要就是说节省时间)

第二个point. 可以改善环境improve that area""s environment

第三个point. 收的fee可以用于revenue(这个单词没记住怎么拼大概就) thecity可以再修路,修桥什么的:


1. 他认为这样做有些司机不愿意花钱走这个区域就得绕路,更浪费时间。举了个例子:送快递的,他们要省钱,所以送快递的时候会变长。

2.在收费区里面环境可能会好点,但是周围的车相对就会增多,noise and airpollution就会多。所以不是整个city都能环境变好


英文版:It’s about the cities"" congestion pric ing policy; the reading is in the positiveattitude: 1.time saving 2.good for the environment 3.considerable revenue.

While, the speaker refutes the three points one by one.


Agree or disagree? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours ofwatching TV programs or movies。

Should school child be limited on the hours of watching TV program and movie?2009年02月27日 北美托福写作机经








独立写作:有比较多的假期的JOB比higher 工资但是没啥时间的JOB好,问你是否同意

2009年04月03日 北美托福写作机经



1. 过度耕种,漫灌,土地盐碱化,土地遂不孕不育

2. 把树砍光,动物没有栖息地,搬走;人类没东西吃,也走;

3. 战乱,跟风语者打一仗然后估计输了就撤了,理由是由类似于工事的东西。老师反对

1. 他们采用丰收之后休耕的做法,土地保养得很好一春又一春;再说在那以前1000年他们一直用得好好的,咋就一下没了?

2. 这种树生长很快,只用木材来生火和盖房子的古人是用不完的;

3. 有工事不等于有战争,也许只是预防而已;再说,没有其他关于战争的遗迹留下

独立写作:同意否“提高教育水平的最佳方法是提高教师工资”——The best wayto improve the quality of education is to increase teachers"" salaries""."

2010年02月27日 北美托福写作机经

小作文讲role of sleep








大作文,高中应该不应上基础经济课,high school students should take a course onbasic economics.

2010年02月13日 北美托福写作机经


Reading passage说T.rex这种食肉恐龙能跑,原因:





2009年06月05日 北美托福写作机经

综合写作 一种Nazca Lines in Peru


1 用于天文calendar

2 a form of art,特别impressive

3 是一种史前人类的racin g,提到foot prints



第二点:说只是在above at high level的时候才能看出是lines,史前人站在地面上不可能完成这种art

第三点:foot prints有可能是来自小猫小狗的足印,然后教授提出观点说更有可能用来ritual,因为以前那些人类有那种庆祝仪式(ceremony)的传统(traditions)独立写作

同意否?要提高health care,最重要的措施是治理环境。

2010年04月24日 北美托福写作机经


综合小:阅读中:prescribes burn is a tool used in the forest and wildlife acrossingNorth America and Australia. However, 有人不同意,原因如下:

(1),prescribed burn 会伤害到动物。 professor说,不会。因为这个time是由人定的,比如birds每年都有迁移的时期,在这一时期操作就不会伤害动物,尤其是他们的幼仔。

(2),prescribed burn会排放二氧化碳,造成污染。 professor说不会,因为森林里有种动物干什么,能够加速二氧化碳remove quickly。

(3),这种操作会有额外的人力,物力和财力。professor说不会,森林每年都会有自然的burn,由于什么什么,那时是无预防的,但prescribed burn就不会啦,没有造成额外的费用。(这点我没听清,望高人指点)

大作文:Do you agree or disagree, the way a person dressed is a good indication ofhis/her personality orcharacter.

2009年08月29日 北美托福写作机经






1, 因jogging而出现心脏病的人中,大部分是本身就有心脏问题,或者是平时极少运动,突然运动使心脏承受不了.应该咨询医生后没问题再进行jogging;2, 虽然关节有一定的strain,但不大,而且能使关节处的肌肉能结实,长远来说对关节有利.

3, 现代人忙,没时间做运动,对比同等时间内(30分钟)walking所能走的距离来说更长,能消耗更多能量,得到更多锻炼.结论:越多人jogging,越多人fitter&healthier!



governmentsshouldfocusmoreonnaturalenvironmentproblemsandlessoneconomicdevelopments. 政府应该重视保护环境还是发展经济

2009年08月22日 北美托福写作机经

【综合写作】对cedar tree decline 的原因进分析


三种原因导致 cedar 的数 减少:beetles, bear, climate change

1、第一个假设是虫子。说这些有害的虫子造成 很多树木的死亡。

是由于 insect parasite esp. Bark beetles.

2、第二个假设是熊。说这些伤害树木的熊喜欢吃树的某个部位,所以树就被摧残 。

是由于 bear""s aggressive feeding damage the tree.

3、第三个假设是天气的变化。所天气变 ,导致植物的根部比较脆弱敏感。[听 ] 是认为 climate change.(root was frozen),反驳了阅读的论点

总起 是,这种树木剧减的缘由尚 明 ,那些所谓的 由都是 充分的。1 、关于虫子。其实这种树木剧减的树生命力还是很强的,因为他会分 一种化学物质杀死虫子,那些被虫子侵蚀的树,都是那些本来就只有半口气的, 被虫子 死,也会被其他方法 死的。只攻击sick tree。health tree show good resistantto beetles。

beetles: 健康的cedar 树皮会分 出一种有毒粘液,防止insects parasite on it. 并认为会发现一些cedar get infested with insects 是因为这些树已经 健康 ,甚至已经死 those tree on the islands declined however, there was no bear on that island.2、关于熊。这种树木的灭绝,涉及整个 美, 管是内陆还是岛屿,而岛屿上时没有熊的,也就是说 管熊在与 在都一个样,所以这样责备熊真的很 公平。bear: 认为这 能解释大规模的cedar 的死亡,因为cedar 数 的减少在很多地方都存在。在Ireland 和Mainland 都有,但Ireland 没有熊

3、天气。天气变 危害大?,其实天气变热危害 大:tree tends to died in the lowerelevation 所以cold weather 能证明会导致tree shrine climate change: melting. 应该发生在upper and cold area 严重,但事实相反; 说的是 美的一种树,它的数 剧减,然后passage 和lecture 就来探讨成因。


Do you agree or disagree: It is more important to work quickly and risking makingmistakes than to work slowly and making sure everything.

到底是应该做得快但是可能会有错误, 还是应该做得慢一点错误也没有。是 efficiency+mistakes 还是lower efficiency + correction 重要


其次,快速的工作有助于员工 develop quick mind,which accordingly could gainmore chance to promote and for the future improvement of a company;

最后,有时候因为工作快而可能导致的mistake 可以让员工learn something from itand seldom commit it again.

2009年08月07日 北美托福写作机经

综合写作:讲宇航员到mars 有三个困难 :

(1)不能提供足够的food,water,oxygen 维持两年;

(2)宇航员在zero-gravity environment 情况下,有negative effects on their body;(3) on mars missions 有 dangerous from solar radiation 。


(1)说有个什么…(屏幕会出现这个单词)可以提供plant,clear water,怎样carbon-oxide 宇航员就可以有fresh air;

(2)Prevent dangerous;

(3) ...occasional … ,

独立写作:parents …help determined the future of their children. Childrenareallowed to make their own choices.

2009年03月27日 北美托福写作机经


reading说的是一副画上面的young woman,大家估计她是哪个公主吧。然后列出了三个理由,Lecture逐一驳斥,顺序也是跟阅读一样的。


第三,说那个yellow flower未 必就是什么什么花,也可能是XX一个单词,听力的时候会显示在屏幕上,而且那个coins和flower都是符号,代表丈夫和丈夫的弟弟,这个关系是unusual的。


Teacher should or not talking their social or political views to student in the class.2009年11月20日 北美托福写作机经


living roofs(就是在房顶上种上花草)



2) reduce the water pollution and flooding

3) Save money


1) 站房顶上才能看得见


3)完全不便宜。Price higher多了。


2010年03月06日 北美托福写作机经







大作文,人们应该坚持自己有挑战性的梦想还是注重实现现实的梦想。2010年04月10日 北美托福写作机经


GM( Gene Modification) Rice.基因作物

三种GM rice的好处和坏处:


反对:由于可以使Wild plant也产生抵抗力所以对环境有害






Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are verydifferent from one""s work?

2010年05月14日 北美托福写作机经

综合 蜜蜂神秘集体死亡且无尸体事件

独立 人要多渠道获取信息


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

In order tobecome well-informed, one has to get information from different newsresources.

Nowadays, information is so important that everyone in the society has to obey theflow of it. Merchants may lose millions of dollars if they just lose the usefulinformation, and an ordinary man may become millionaire if he just knows how toutilize information. So, in the society now, everyone should try their best to access tobetter and more information if possible. Thus, I agree with the statement that in orderto become well-informed, one had to get information from different news resources.More information helps in building up a better cognition of the world in one’s mind.People become aware of the world and its rules if they hold the access to moreinformation. For e xample, as a student, I know more about different industriesthrough reading different kinds of newspapers; as a result, I understand the world andthe society better and better.

More information helps in informing people worthy values and thoughts. Throughreading Wall Street Journal, people know more about the finance and the viewpointsin managing money. Through watching the Bloomberg News, graduate studentsrealized the magic of economic tacit.

I admit that more information sources may lead to the chaosand confusion inmanaging them; people feel drown in the news-poll sometimes. However, that’s whyinformation managing class so important for everyone. Information is crucial foradapting into this competitive society, and learning how to manage them to preventthem from swallowing us.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a highsalary but less vacation time.

People concern more about the money beingpaid, actually that’s exactly the reasonwhy people choose to work, than leisure time. In my opinion, nobody will choose toaccept a job with low salary but more vacation time.What people want in their job is the considerable reward. No one would try to work ina team in which they share plenty of leisure time but limited salary. One sentence mydad had said may illustrate the point better, and I quote here, people have their familyto raise, and they actually don’t have time to think about the leisure problem if theyare not satisfied with the money they earned.

If people are seeking self-satisfaction through their achievements, they may neverenjoy the seemed-long vacation because there are so many business they need toconsider. For example, the successful leaders never find themselves have time toenjoy leisure since they have too much work to do.

Leisure time is a considerable factor in choosing a job, but not the m ost important one,not in the consideration list even. People may concern more about thestability, thetraining course they may gat, the pressure, as for the vacation time, just as one of myfriend said, he will think about it if he had earned enough money.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Successful leaders should make others part of the decision-making process.Successful leader knows how to manage people, how to coordinate the team, andmost crucial, how to make people one of the step to the final decision. In fact, it is theteam as a whole that is responsible for the success of the project, not the leader alone.Thus knowing how to make others part of the decision-making process is a very vitalability for the leaders.

The team as a whole is the responsibility taker in a project. Everyone in the team isjust playing their own roles, and the leader should make everyone be aware of theconsequences if they made a decision. Through this, every team member becomespart of the decision-making process.

Leaders do not possess the authority in making crucial decisions alone for the project,that’s why making everyone part of the decision-making process rational. If thedecision proved to be a fiasco in the end, the leader will eventually find himself /herself too weak to bear the pressure.

Everyone in the working team should take part in decision making in order to preventthe leader making the mad and outrageous decisions. Since the leaders are always thehigher part of the working pyramid, they may not familiar with the real situation ofthe whole work, actually that happens all time. So the members are obliged to becomepart of the decision to prevent impractical decisions.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Relating well with other people is more important to future career success thanstudying hard at school.

I totally don’t agree with the assertion that Relating well with other people is moreimportant to future career success than studying hard at school. In my opinion, theability to communicate is an ability that students could naturally obtain.

First, it is not easy for students to obtain communicate ability at school, which meansthey may never relate well with other people since they don’t possess basic economicfoundation and social status. Learning is one thing, but possessing the resource to doit well is another.

Second, I believe that there is no need for them to learn how to relate well with otherpeople, since people can achieve social communicate ability naturally. For example,students just learn that through their daily communication.

Third, study hard at school is the natural obligation student obeys. What the studentsshould do is to learn, to read books. I do not deny that they should also communicatewith their friends, but that do not contradict to the primary task belongs to them.托福写作机经2009年8月22日

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It’s more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowlyand make sure everything is correct.

In many works, be quick is most crucial character always. That’s why sometimes it ismore important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly andmake sure everything is correct.

Time is too limited to wait for making sure everything is correct. If a programengineer waits for the software he created to be perfect, the best chance for him tosuccess may have passed. He can perfect the software afterward actually if he hadgrasped the best chance.

It is hard to balance the whole procedure if we want both correction and rapidity. Toachieve a passive pace, we have to keep the rapidity part, and just make everythingbetter after we have occupied the best domain in the market, in fact, most successfulcompanies will obey this rule when they are to win.

>The jungle rule of the society is to remain the fast ones and eliminate the slow ones,as we all know, speed if the first concern if a company is to take an action. GeneralMotor, in the year they releasedtheir new series of cars, choose to grasp the marketshare rather than keeping their product perfect in the competition. After defeated thecompany with best product and awkward action, they win. GM is a good example inproving that rapidity is always thefirst concern.


It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree ordisagree.

Movie is more than just teaching us real life. Movie, as a very special art branch,offers us watching and audience experience; provides us a world which never exists inthe real society. Movie also shows us a world which is totally different from ourearthy world.

We all embraced the perfect watching experience in the theater because it is reallyspecial and vivid. Through watching the movie Avatar, we found the seem-real worldso amazing, and we find the hero who is produced by 3D technology so real and cute.Diversified experience is a very special reason for us to go to the theater.

The world created by the movie attracts us to go to the theater. In the movie Avatar,we found the globe Pandora so marvelous and spectacular. In the movie Inception, weare absorbed by the dream world. People are always absorbed by the luxurious andstimulating scene in the movies.

Movies also provide us interesting and unique personal experience. We are alwayswith our friends and lover when we are watching movie. In another word, movie lendsus the chance to experience intimate and closed relationships.


Some people think children should study and play while others think they should helptheir parents with the household chores. What is your opinion?

I don’t think it is the children’s duty to help with household chores. In fact, children,wit h their learning works, should play with friends in their leisure time, rather thanhelping with the house works.

I don’t think they can do a good job in house chores helping. For instance, manychildren broke plates and bowls when they are helping their parents with house chores.In that case, children just can’t burden the duty to help since they just can’t do it well.

Parents have machines and facilities to help themselves. In many families, the parentshave bowl-washer, plate washer, and so on to help them. They also have washingmachines with the laundry. So kids are not necessary at all.

Children don’t have time to play with their friends and companions if they have tohelp their parents. As we all know, children should communicate more and interactmore with their buddies, while if the parentsjust deprived their fun and joy, thechildren may never enjoy their growth.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums andconcert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.The government bears the obligation to support the public culture development, aswell as public facility construction. Thus the government should spend money on artmuseum and concert halls, and at the same time the government should invest inbuilding the recreational facilities.

Art museums and concert halls are important for the society since people need them torelease their art feelings. Artists and audience also need them to enjoy the catharsis oflife and feeling. That’s why government, as the servant of public service, shouldguarantee the existence and welling of necessary art facilities.

Recreation facilities provide people the public place to enjoy the fun in sports. Familymay gather together toswim; the children need playground to practice; and citizensneed recreation facilities to relax and have fun. That’s why th e recreation facilitiesalso needed by the citizens and governments should pay for it.

Both part are the basic and fundamental hardware if the community is to thrive, andboth part call for the investment from the government. I don’t think either part of bothshould be neglected while another one gets big emphasize.


There are more and more people in the world andit""s so busy and crowd everywhere,so it is no necessary to hope others to be polite. agree or disagree.

I admit the phenomenon that there are more and more people in the world makingeverywhere crowded. However, that does not declined the importance of politeness.On the contrary, we need to emphasize more on politeness because it is moreimportant for us nowadays.

When the population is larger, the importance of politeness between people is larger,too. Japan is a good example to illustrate the point. Can you imagine the number ofJapanese population? More than 100 million! However, people commonly feelcomfortable and enjoyable in Japanese society, since people show higher ethicalrespect and politeness to others.

The happiness level people feeling in a society in fact has nothing to do with theoverall number of people, but attach firmly with the level people obey the politenessrules. Just imagine this situation, when you go into a shopping mall with splendid andluxurious decoration, the saleswoman served you with impolite behavior, how youfeel? That’s why we cannot emphasize politeness between people too much.If we are to create a better community and to enjoy a harmony life, we’d betteradvocate the politeness. If we did that, we will undoubtedly feel more comfortableand convenient since we received the respect and concern from others.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It was easier to succeed in the past than it is today.

To succeed is never easy, no matter in the past or at pres ent. The social condition inthe past did not proved to be much comforter than today, so, I don’t think it was easierto succeed in the past than it is today,

In the past, people may hardly access to the newest science product or art fruit. Thuspeople feel less satisfied with knowledge absorb; it is hard for them to get the goodcondition and foundation to success. People in the past are trussed up in the field withhard working.

People today could easily access to newest science and thought products, whichmeans they possess social advantages to create, to success. However, more peoplecreate means more competitions. As a result, not so many people success as imaginesnowadays as well.

Whenever the time is, it is never easy for people to success. To obtain success, peoplehave to obdurate loneliness, ordeal and hard work. So, it is nonsense to say people inthe past may succeed easier than it is today. To success is never easy for any one.北美托福写作机经2009年10月17日

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and televisions shouldalways show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.The movies and televisions should show people the real world, which means thebroadcasted contents should not be limited in the territory in which good people arerewarded and bad people are punished.

In the real world, people are all complicated; in fact, there are no definite good peopleor bad people. Movies and televisions should present the contents with the diversityand complexity in humanity.

Movies and televisions, when presenting the complexity of humanity, should also beaware of that nobody is one-sided, and at the same time, rewards and punishments arenot just fall down as hoped. We can always see people with good motivation beingmisunderstood while people hold malevolence get the reward they does not deserve.What’s more, movies and televisions are not obliged to guide people to the road ofjustice indeed. Movi es and televisions are products to make money in the end, thuswhy we are demanding too much if we require them to show the world which webelieve is necessary and deserved.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, it is not importantfor families to eat meals together regularly.

I do not agree with the proposal that families should eat meals together regularly. I doadmit that eating together is good for decorating an intimate and relaxing

phenomenon for the family, however, it is not practical at all.

Everyone in the family is busy, since the social pressure is so much that people canhardly cope it. People go back home with mental and physical tiredness and theydon’t feel like taking and communicating at all. Thus getting them together to havedinner is not practical.

People can hardly get together since they obey totally different schedules. Foeinstance, the dad may having a meeting with his colleague, the mum may busy withthe housework, and at the same time ,the kids are having fun with their friends, everyfamily memberfind themselves being occupied by something more important thusthey just cannot go home on time.

Even though everyone is at home having meals together, nobody could guarantee thatthey communicate well, as we all know; family member may not understand eachother well. Personal experience tells me that quarrels happened when family membersare together always, since parents and children, especially the teenagers, don’tcommunicate efficiently and with patience all the time.




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